The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has announced €15m in funding to help revitalise rural towns and villages. The 2023 Scheme will place particular emphasis on projects focusing on town centre regeneration, enhancing our Streetscapes, and bringing vacant and derelict buildings back into use as community multi-purpose spaces through refurbishment and renovation.
This scheme will operate on the same basis as has been delivered in recent years and will see continued investment to support our town and village centres with a renewed focus on economic and social recovery and regeneration.
Focus of the 2023 Town and Village Renewal Scheme
- Town Regeneration projects that assist in revitalising active and vibrant town and village centres.
- Projects to support the upgrade and enhancement of shopfronts and street facades (including murals) in town and villages.
- Projects to develop town / village centre plazas, public outdoor dining spaces, green spaces (including allotments and community gardens) and recreational spaces / amenities to include outdoor sports facilities such as skate parks, basketball courts, tennis courts etc.
- Renovation or refurbishment of existing community centres
- Projects that bring vacant and derelict buildings and sites back into use as multi-purpose spaces.
- Projects that bring vacant properties in town centres back into use as Remote Working Hubs.
- Projects to support town or village centre markets, e.g. farmers markets, artisan markets or similar.
- Projects that support and enhance the night-time economy.
- Enhancement of heritage assets located in towns and villages, including energy efficiency measures.
Categories of Towns:
The 2023 scheme will be targeted at three categories of Towns/Villages as follows:
Category 1: Towns and villages with a population of up to 5,000 people.
Category 2: Towns with a population of 5,001 to 10,000 people.
Category 3: Larger towns with a population of up to 15,000 people may be eligible where the application is of a high quality and outlines a strong need for the investment, good value for money and positive outcomes that will have a substantial impact on the town.
Grant Level
The minimum grant which is available is €20,000 and the maximum is generally €250,000. In addition, funding of €500,000 will be considered for a limited number of large scale projects that will generate significant positive impacts.
Application Process
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now being sought for projects to be considered for funding. EOI’s will be assessed based on the priorities as contained in the Scheme Outline and preferably linked to actions outlined in the County Cavan Town and Village Revitalisation Plans where relevant. After the closing date, proposals will be selected for development into detailed applications which will be submitted to the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Please email Bernie O'Rourke with any queries